A Significant Milestone of Partnership and Collaboration in First Quarter 2019

By the grace of God, Australia Oikos Care (AOC) has received a significant grant and sponsorship commitment from New Life Foundation Queensland Australia (NLF).  NLF and AOC have mutually agreed to form collaboration and partnership to advance a vision and joint endeavours with multiyear goals to further our Alfa Omega School Marunda Paket A, B and C programs in Indonesia. Our sincere appreciation and a big thank you to NLF for their strong support, grant and generosity.

This is a significant milestone and has truly marked a trust, recognition and commitment placed by NLF on us to implement, execute and coordinate the endeavours hand-in-hand to expand and grow our Alfa Omega School Marunda Paket A, B and C programs for a three year period from July 2019 through to June 2022.

We are strongly committed, determined and passionate to make this happen. We all are planting seeds and investing for the school children’s long-term future growth and success through our school and the quality education we provide. Together we can make a big difference!