It was an exciting day for me personally since the last time I, Christine Fenhart, visited one of the school was approximately 5 years ago before my daughters were born. We had done lots of preparation prior to the visitation with Bu Mety’s help because we wanted to give the best to the kids and the teachers at the beginning of the school year (In Indonesia the new school year starts in July instead of January).
Thankfully, we managed to get many donations and reached the target needed for the visitation which to give each students new bag, school stationeries, a proper meal, milk and also snacks. On top of that we get additional donations from local donators like vitamins and milk.
When we arrived we were greeted by the kids, they all gathered wearing the blue school uniform and sang welcome to all of us in Indonesia. Then a group of young dancers performed and they did really well dancing to the song “disini senang disana senang” with the other kids singing and cheering.
After that it was our chance to be in charge of the event, we danced together we learnt baby shark dance, chicken dance, it was really really fun!
It was continued with games – the kids really enjoyed it and the ones that managed to win the game was given lollies and milk and we welcomed other kids around the area to join.
When it comes to the serious business, I was so pleased to hear on that day along with the other 55 students who attended, we also had around 10 of the AOS Bantar Gebang alumni and all of them who continued to study to Junior High School they all managed to achieve high marks and all of the effort of has not gone in vain. Since there were lots of student parents who came along as well, Bu Mety (YCare) and Bu Maya (principal) were encouraging them to support the kids for their education instead of asking the kids to earn money by picking up rubbish.
I would like to give just a little background of the area where the school is located Bantar Gebang – it is where most of the rubbish from Jakarta goes to, I have to admit the place is unpleasant for average people because of the smell and also the unhygienic condition. It is a sad reality however I am just so blessed by the dedication of the YCare staff, Bu Maya as the principal and also all the teachers that not only have to educate the kids in this challenging environment, they also have to educate the parents the importance of school and education for the kids future which is a long term investment.
That is the reason why when it was my turn to speak, I invited everyone to give a HUGE ROUND of applause to these unsung heroes, teachers and staffs that dedicate their lives for others. Nelson Mandela once said that education is a powerful tool to change the world, the teachers and we all as the donators are sowing seeds, watering these kids life, it is a challenging and can be a costly investment that a lot of us won’t receive a direct benefit however we can see the impacts this school is making to the community and the kids life’s.
From illiterate, they can now read, write, then they can continue their study to higher education maybe in 10-20 years time there will be successful story of the kids who started their school journey from AOS Bantar Gebang, who knows.
Thank you to all the donators and all my colleague who have supported us all of these time and you all have played a part in changing these kids and community’s future.
“Alone we can do little and together we can do so much”
~ Helen Keller